Thursday, December 31, 2015

Staycation in Winter Break

           Winter break, we're so excited because we've planned to go on a road trip to San Francisco. As I checked the weather on each states that we have to drive through, I noticed that it will be snowy on most of the roads in the west coast. Since we already experienced a nightmare last time driving in snowy mountains, we came up with Plan B, New York! We have relatives in the Big Apple and it will be a third of a drive as compared to west coast trip. I have planned our itinerary on each day but as the week got closer, I once again checked the forecast and unfortunately it will be a rainy weather on those days that we planned to be there. Florida was Plan C but there were storms and tornados along the way too. So our last resort....STAYCATION!

          I've never really done this before especially on a week time off. But due to uncontrollable circumstances, I figured that I'd like to give it a try. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed having not to go anywhere for a change. I guess it's good to do this long staycation at least once a year.

So here are the pros of having a staycation:

1. Accommodation is free!
           Best part, we're at the comfort of our own home. We slept on our own bed, there's living room , kitchen, and big space. We have all the necessities that we need whenever we want it.

2. Food
          My kids always love to eat home cook food. So this time, I cooked all their favorite dishes and even try some recipes that I haven't made before. And because of the holidays, we didn't have to worry on left over getting wasted if we leave from vacation.

Our surf and turf menu for Christmas Eve! Yum!!!

3.  Packing
          No packing hassle this time. I didn't need to rush doing the laundry before leaving and after coming from vacation.

4.  Schedule
          During this staycation, we pretty much slept and woke up as late as we can. There's no rush to do anything! Tell me when was the last time you've experienced that? Almost never, especially if you're a working mom. Everyday has to be on schedule!
           This time, kids had the luxury of doing whatever they want like playing with their new toys, watching TV, playing minecraft, doing arts and crafts or simply googly mooglying!
Oooh what's in Santa's bag?

5. Leisure
          Our activities were based on our mood whether we want to go out or just stay home. If the weather is bad then we just do a movie marathon on TV or play board games at home. If the weather is nice, we go out to watch movie in the theatre, shop, eat out or do some outdoor activities. We had parties with friends and families, watched Star Wars and Alvin and the Chipmunks movies and went for ice skating.
Late snack at Buffalo Wild Wings after Star Wars movie
Abby's flute performance in a party

6.  Mission organization
          I had time to organize a lot of things in our house. I was able to clean at my own time and sort the girl's closet (that's a big thing!). As they say, your house has to be in order for the New Year!

7.  Plan for next year
         I finally had my 2016 calendar. I made phone calls to schedule dentist and doctor's appointment for next year. PLUS, I had ample time to plan our vacations for spring and summer break. Although, I must say, I'm so fickle minded that everytime I check the computer, I kept on changing my vacation plans.

8. Save money
       I had saved lots of $$ for staying at home especially that we had lots of other expenses during the holidays.

9. Quality time
        Since there was no rush to finish sightseeing, I was able to spend quality time with my kids. We talked about a lot of things and did a lot of mother-daughter activities. I also had the chance to spend QT time with my hubby.

10.  Relaxing
         This is, by far, the most relaxing vacation I've ever been. We always say that we need a vacation after a long vacation. This time, I was separated from the world and all I think of for the whole week is how to spend enjoy my family in our home sweet home!

          The only thing that was missing in my "pros" is workout. Yes, if you're at home, you have lots of time to do exercise. It was holiday, we ate a lot and put in lots of pounds. But you know what, that's why there's always a "New Year's Resolution"! That means diet and workout starts on January 1st! Good excuse isn't it?

          So next time you have few days off and can't decide where to go, STAYCATION is always the most awesome and affordable way to spend time with your family.

        It has been a wonderful 2015 for our family and we were very grateful for all our blessings. We've travelled a lot and was able to manage our busy schedule while staying in good health. For the coming year 2016, we plan to continue our travel adventure with our family and hope to explore more places that we've never been. Thank you all for reading and supporting my blog and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!

Subscribe to my blog on and connect with me on Facebook or Pinterest  if you want to get ideas on Awesome and Affordable Family Vacations. You can also check out my website to book a discounted vacation on Westgate Resorts.


Sunday, December 27, 2015


          Are you looking for a weekend getaway close to home? If you're from Chicagoland, Pheasant Run Resort located in St. Charles,IL is the perfect resort whether you're a couple or a family looking for an awesome vacation.

Things to do in the resort:

1. Event specials
         Visit the resort's calendar for event schedule. Last weekend, we booked a hotel overnight and purchased the Christmas Kid's Package. Included are dinner buffet, Christmas Carol theatre show, crafts and gingerbread house activities. Santa was also there for pictures and he also gave some presents for the kids. The night was filled with fun and Christmas spirit!

2. Swimming pool
           It has an indoor and an outdoor heated pool that is open all year round. Yes, the outdoor pool is still warm even if it's freezing outside. The best thing is that the pool opens from 6am-12 midnight. So even if you go to all other activities, you will still have time to enjoy the pool even if it's late at night.

3. Restaurants
         There are many restaurants to choose from. Among them are Harvest which serves fine dining cuisine, Jambalaya where you can eat southern cuisines, Garden Atrium for your Sunday Champagne Jazz Brunch, and the Sports Bar where you can unwind and have some drinks while watching sports. There is also a Terrace Cafe where you can buy or pick up breakfast, lunch, dinner or just enjoy your coffee. Most of all, room service is also available if you prefer. The resort also offer dining packages such as Prime Rib Dinner or Event Dining. Visit

4.  Comedy Show
          Hosted by talented comedians, the Zanies Comedy Club is open on Thurday, Friday, and Saturnday night. Admission costs $20 and its for adults 21 and older. For more information visit

5. Replica of Bourbon Street
          Inside this area are some shops, arcades, pool tables, ice cream shop and free popcorns. THey also have a live music during Friday and Saturday night.

6.  Bonfire
          Perfect for cooler weather, they have a bonfire outdoor and some chairs so you can relax and warm up.

 7. Other amenities
           Other amenities that we didn't get the chance to try are spa services, fitness center, golf, tennis and volleyball courts.

         We still have few months of winter season so I highly recommend going to Pheasant Run Resort. With the location and variety of activities, you never have to leave the resort to entertain your family.

Subscribe to my blog on and connect with me on Facebook or Pinterest  if you want to get ideas on Awesome and Affordable Family Vacations. You can also check out my website to book a discounted vacation on Westgate Resorts.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas Activities

         Christmas is my favorite time of the year. We usually set up our Christmas tree even before Thanksgiving Day. It's such a great family time since we hang all the ornaments that we've collected from our trips. We also made a tradition that the girls will alternate putting our tree topper. 
          When we were kids, our parents made sure that we get into the Christmas spirit by going to church and doing family activities. Now that we have our own children, it's our turn to think of ways on how to make their holidays memorable. Here are some ideas on how to have an awesome and affordable adventures with your kids.

1.  Santa Claus
          Whenever it's Christmas time, Santa is always the hero. Kids make their lists and they try to be in their best behavior so he will give what they want. This year, my girls did not want to have any pictures with Santa but they made their letter and drop it off in his mailbox. For those of you with little ones, take them to the mall or downtown where they can have portrait. It's fun to see them progress through the years, from scared to excited! If you can't make it to the mall, plan to have breakfast with Santa. Most park districts and schools offer this event as part of their fundraising program.

2. Polar Express
          This train ride is becoming more popular nowadays. Check your community event calendar for schedule and fees. Inspired by the movie "Polar Express" the kids get to ride in a train and listen to stories while having hot chocolate. At the end of the train ride, Santa meets them and give the kids their own sleigh bells. Make sure to reserve ahead of time as the spots usually booked fast.

3. Christmas Tree Displays
          What is Christmas without a tree? Some museums like Science and Industry or Winter Wonderfest in Navy Pier have wide variety of Christmas tree around the world. You can also visit downtown to see how festive the decorations are. I also recommend strolling around the neighborhood and check who got the best Christmas lights. But be careful because one time we got pulled over by the police for under speeding. By the way, one of my bucket lists is to see the Christmas tree in the Rockefeller Center New York. 

Rockefeller Center New York

4. Christkindlmarket
           This is a Christmas market held annually in different locations. We have two in here, one in Downtown Chicago and the other one is in Oakbrook. At the site, they sell beer, wine, baked goods, meats, toys, ornaments, clothing, and decorations from Germany, Ukraine and Austria. Admission is free!

5. Christmas Lights
           A beautiful display of bright, festive lights in the park. Most botanical gardens and zoos offer this event from late November to December. It requires a lot of walking but at your own pace so make sure to bundle up and wear comfortable shoes. You can stop at each interactive elements, take pictures, warm up at one of the many firepits, or listen to a nearby Symphony. Check out Groupon or Living Social for deals.  Some of the popular ones in our area are the Illumination of Lights at the Morton Arboretum and the Brookfield or Lincoln Zoo Lights.

6. Christmas Shows
         Get into the holiday spirits by giving your kids the experience of watching jubilant musical shows, dazzling costumes and hilarious plays. Most popular ones are "A Christmas Carol", "Bah Humbugs", "White Christmas" and "The Nutcracker".

         Watching your kid's Christmas show or recital is one of the events that parents shouldn't miss! Take lots of pictures and record their programs. They will enjoy watching those videos when they get older. They are so adorable!

7. Cookies
           This is a fun activity for kids of all ages. Bake some cookies or holiday treats to give to teachers or friends. The house smells so good too when you bake. Also try to decorate a gingerbread house. Every year, my girls ask me to buy them a gingerbread kit. Yes it's messy, but the excitement on your kid's face when doing this activity is PRICELESS!

8. Christmas Movies
           Movie time is always our favorite family bonding. Get the pillows and blankets and have a movie marathon. Some of our favorites are "The Grinch", Home Alone", "Polar Express" and Santa Claus". We also love to watch the hallmark movies because they usually teach them life lessons.

9. Christmas Shopping
         This activity is different to every person. I personally love to take my girls shopping in the mall. It's a nice mommy-daughter bonding plus it keeps them away from their Ipads. It's nice to share ideas on what presents to buy. Remember, you don't have to buy expensive gifts because it's the thought that counts. And also, you don't have to feel obligated to buy gifts for everybody. When gift giving, it has to come from your heart!

10. Christmas Party
          Last but not the least, don't be a party pooper this Christmas season. Attend and enjoy your holiday parties. It's the best time to get together and catch up with families and friends. Life is too short to be a Grinch!

          This holiday season, try to have an awesome adventure with the people you love the most. Have the Christmas spirit and keep in mind that the most important thing is to celebrate JESUS!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

          It's been a busy month for the Hernandez Family! Everybody were so excited for Thanksgiving break but before that we had a busy schedule for my older daughter's syncronized ice skating competition.

          This is the second year of my daughter, Abby, in the team. It gives us the opportunity to travel because they compete in Chicago area and other states as well.  Two weeks ago, we went to Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin, it's about an hour drive from us. Their team, DAZZLERS, had to compete with other teams from Chicagoland area. I want to brag about this because they won FIRST PLACE! Yahoo!!! Then after the event, we stopped by Pleasant Prairie Outlet Mall and Gurnee Mills. We started our Christmas shopping early this year.

          The following weekend, we had to beat the snow storm and drove to Kalamazoo Michigan on a Friday night even if the competition was not until Sunday. It was a Kick Off Competition from all over the Midwest region. Luckily, they made it to Fourth Place so it's still thumbs up for the team! It was definitely a tougher game than the previous one.

          I'm glad it was over for now but the girls had to continue practicing for next year's competition. Then comes Thanksgiving break! The girls went for a day camp at the park district  and enjoyed indoor swimming on their first day of vacation. At night we had their BFF for a sleepover and the girls pretended to have the Mayflower in our living room.

          On Thanksgiving Day, our family enjoyed a traditional dinner in our house. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole. On top of that, I cooked some Filipino dishes for comfort food. My brother and wife came over to join us for dinner.We were all so thankful for all the blessing we had! I was thinking to hit the mall in the evening but decided not to and just spend time with the family.

          Now that the girls are older, they "LOVE" to go shopping with mommy. We spent a lot of time in the mall these past few days. The goal was to buy gifts for friends but I ended up buying stuffs just for my two little monkeys. Can I tell you that I'm really enjoying this stage because I can take my girls anywhere without anyone complaining? It was the best bonding ever!!!

         On Saturday, we went to downtown Chicago to check out the ice skating rink. There were two of them in Millenium Park, one was by the Sculpture Bean and the other at the Maggie Daley Park. Both rinks were good because we had a great view of the city. Admission was free and we brought our own ice skates.  Tips: If you don't have skates, you can also rent one for $12. Make sure to dress in layers because it's cold at the park but it gets warmer when you're ice skating. They also had hot chocolate drink for $4 each, coffee $2 and some snacks. For the little kids, they can meet Santa in his house located next to the Bean. My girls, for some reason, didn't want to do the Santa thing anymore! And don't forget, when you go to downtown, use Park Whiz app for discounted parking.

Christmas Tree in Millenium Park

          The last day of Thanksgiving break, the girls invited their friends for a play date at our house. It was bittersweet because they were all so happy to spend time with each other, but sad at the same time because their friend is moving to Texas next month.

        Such a well spent quality time with our family! November is almost over and Christmas will be here before you know it.  I am looking at my December calendar and it's almost booked! I can't wait for all these events and I'm sure we're going to have another awesome family adventure!